Terms & Conditions

  • The Registration Form should be duly filled and signed by an authorized person along with company seal and submitted with requisite payment. Alternatively, applications may be made on participant’s letterhead with payment. In any case, the booking will be subject to these Terms & Conditions governing participation.
  • Order acceptance shall be complete only when our written confirmation and Bill is received by the Applicants.
  • The allotment and location of stands shall be at the sole discretion of the Organizer. Even if a location has been indicated, the organizer reserves the right to change the same. No stall numbers are allotted in advance.
  • Exhibitors will not be allowed to sub-let or divide their stands unless a special written permission has been obtained from the organizers. Violation of this clause will lead to additional payment liability as decided by the organizers.
  • Any Exhibitor failing to occupy its assigned space one hour prior to show opening or who leaves his or her space unattended during the exhibit hours, forfeits their rights to the space. All exhibits must be open for business during the exhibit hours. Exhibitors should not dismantle their display until the event is officially closed by the organizer.
  • Exhibits must not be placed beyond the space booked by the Exhibitor in which case, the Organizer reserves the right to charge @ 200% of the rate contracted, for the additional space charges, over and above the charges for the actual space booked. The distribution of brochures from the gangways is strictly forbidden. Equipment presentations, artistic shows and other promotional activities of the Exhibitor must be consulted with the Organizer in advance and cannot hinder or make impossible the operation of other stands or the free movement of participants and public.
  • Removing furniture and electrical equipments from another booth will tantamount to snatching and strict action will be taken in such cases. On the spot requisitions will be serviced one by one till the stocks are available, at a premium of 10% on usual rates. Participants are advised to make this extra requisition well in advance.
  • Name board fascia will be exactly as per this order and no change on-the-spot will be entertained. If the fascia name is specified on-the- spot, the same may be arranged by our contractors again on additional charge of Rs. 2500/-, on first-come-first-served basis.
  • The Exhibitor shall bear the total financial responsibility for the equipment and stand fittings provided by the Organizer. Costs of all damages and losses arising from improper use of the stand shall be borne by the Exhibitor.
  • Amounts due for participation charges and extra services shall be paid in full before taking possession of the stall. The Organizer shall be entitled to annul the Exhibitors’ participation in the Fair without the right to damages in virtue thereof if the participation charge has not been paid before taking possession.
  • The Organizer shall not insure or take responsibility for the Exhibitor’s property. Exhibitors taking part in the Fair shall themselves insure their property against burglary, fire and other Acts of God. The Organizer shall not be liable for damages resulting from theft, fire, gale, stroke of lightning, explosion, flood, cuts in power supply or other causes beyond the control of the Organizer.
  • Exhibitors shall not be entitled to cancel this agreement without the express written permission of the organizers and on terms acceptable to the organizers.
  • All statutory liabilities arising out of the participants’ activities at the fair such as sales tax/VAT, octroi, customs duty, excise duty, service tax and/or any other taxes, levies or licenses required for their activities at the fair will be exclusive responsibility and liability of the participants.
  • The exhibitor indemnifies the organizers against all actions, expenses, costs, charges, or claims which the organizers or any of their contractors may be liable for in consequence or damage or injury to any person or property occasioned by or arising out of the act, default or negligence of the exhibitor, his representatives, servants or workmen or any person under his direction or any independent contractor engaged by him.
  • Any disputes arising from the fulfillment of provisions contained in “The Terms and Conditions of Participation” shall be submitted to the jurisdiction of a civil court competent at the registered address of the Organizer. Any and all matters pertaining to the event not specifically covered by this contract and the rules and regulations as described in the Exhibitor’s Information & Order Book, shall be subject to determination by the organizer. The organizers reserve the right to add or alter these regulations at any time.
  • Change in order (change in listing / fascia etc.) should be communicated in writing/through email at least 10 days prior to the event. The Company will not be responsible for any misunderstanding arising due to verbally communicated instruction/request given to any individual sales executive.
  • Force Majeure: The exhibition may be postponed/shortened due to any cause whatsoever beyond the control of the Organizers. The Organizers shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by the exhibitors directly or indirectly, attributable to the elements of nature, force majeure or orders or directives imposed by any Governmental authorities. In such circumstances, the money paid by the exhibitors or any part thereof may be refunded at the sole discretion of the Organizers.
  • Use of public address systems, audio-visual systems and height of displays in the space booked is subject to no inconvenience to other participants and the organizers decisions in this regard shall be final.
  • Jurisdiction of any dispute will be in the courts of Bangalore, India.